Therapist ~ Acupuncturist
Visceral Manipulation
Specialist areas:
- Member of the British Acupuncture Council
- Skilled in the practice of Visceral Manipulation
- The Baby Plan
About Gursharan
I graduated from the University of Westminster with a First Class Honours degree for which I received awards and recognition on the Dean's List for outstanding achievement. My training included practicing acupuncture at the University Polyclinic and the NHS Gateway Clinic in Lambeth Hospital. I am a member of the British Acupuncture Council.
My Continuing Professional Development (CPD) since qualifying in 2014 has included topics such as fertility, gynaecology, the menopause, immune health, insomnia, anxiety and depression. In March 2020 I made the decision to specialise my work solely around the treatment of women. The scope of Chinese Medicine is so vast, and I felt that the time was right for me to commit myself to where my interests and expertise lie. By focusing on the female body, I hope to delve deeper into the knowledge and wisdom that it encompasses.
I often use cupping, gua sha, and tui na, sister therapies of acupuncture which allow me to provide more complete and effective solutions for patients. My abilities as a practitioner have also been enriched by ongoing training in visceral manipulation, a therapy developed by world-renowned French Osteopath, Jean-Pierre Barral. Visceral manipulation aims to correct functional and structural imbalances in the body, from nervous, respiratory and digestive imbalances to musculoskeletal problems.
I adopt an integrative approach to treatment by working with channels, meridians and organs energetically using Chinese Medicine practices, and sometimes using visceral techniques on tension patterns in the fascial network to undo the cascade of effects the body undergoes to compensate for structural problems. Combining approaches in this way can have profound and long-term effects on the body. I often use the combination of methods and techniques that I think will best serve each individual on their own correctional journey towards health.
I have worked in a number of multidisciplinary clinics where I have encountered all manners of health complaints. One thing I love about my job is that every day is different, and every person I meet is unique. Very rarely will two people with the same complaint fit into the exact same diagnostic pattern and treatment box. With a previous degree in Religion and Philosophy, I also value the opportunity to meet people from all walks of life and enrich my understanding of the world.